The Administration department is the epicentre of the University of Nairobi non-academic functions. The key functions of the department can broadly be described into two areas of general administration and human resource functions for recruitment, training and retention of employees.
The department comprises of the following functional units;
- General Administration
- Labour and Industrial Relations
- Records Management
- Committee Clerk
The department is headed by Registrar Administration and is mandated to perform these functions:
1. Secretary to the Council Commitee responsible for the administrative function,the University Executive Board and such other Committees, as assigned by management from time to time.
2. Custodian of the non-academic University records and such other records as deemed necessary by the Management.
3.Oversee the general administration and related services in the University.
4. Development and implementation of university policies and procedures regarding non-academic records and other general administration activities.
5. Ensure adherence to University rules and regulations
6. Enforce university policies.
7. Coordinate the management of all central functions