Nairobi Innovation Week 2024.

On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 the University Officially opened  the 8th edition of the Nairobi Innovation Week 2024 that was characterized by Innovation exhibitions, attendance by Faculty, Government and Government Agencies, Industry partners and the UoN students and their innovations. 

Speaking during the official opening Chief Guest CS for Education, Hon. Ezekiel Machogu called on all the institutions of Higher Learning to continuously engage in Innovation. He Highlighted the role innovation plays in the Bottom Up Transformation Agenda (BETA) and noted that the government is keen on upscaling innovations that are focused on increasing Agricultural output, affordable housing, support of the Micro and Small Medium Enterprises (MSME) and the Digital superhighway. He noted that Innovation is a catalyst of the Government’s agenda. He called on the Kenya Innovation Agency to lead the Innovation discussion by including all the Universities both public and private. Hon. Machogu congratulated the University of Nairobi for hosting this platform that brings the innovation ecosystem stakeholders together and urged them to evaluate growth. He announced the increase in funding towards innovation efforts by the government from 0.8% to 2% of the budget.

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