Through the art of cartoons the country has managed to raise awareness in much better way.  Nation wide adverts have been projected in art forms of cartoons and an example being that of wash your hands advertisement in Kenyan televisions.  Newspapers which were at the forefront in using the cartoons even before the pandemic have increased their effort in raising public awareness also through the same art form.

The University of Nairobi in collaboration with the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya has therefore decided to hold a virtual African Cartoon Festival inviting Africans and Iranian cartoonist to help raise more awareness using their creations during this pandemic and after.

Through the art of cartoons the country has managed to raise awareness in much better way.  Nation wide adverts have been projected in art forms of cartoons and example being that of wash your hands advertisement in Kenyan televisions.  Newspapers which were at the forefront in using the cartoons even before the pandemic have increased their effort in raising public awareness also through the same art form.

The University of Nairobi in collaboration with the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya has therefore decided to hold a virtual African Cartoon Festival inviting Africans and Iranian cartoonist to help raise more awareness using their creations during this pandemic and after.