

How to apply for leave when locked down in the diaspora during this trying period of Covid 19.The University of Nairobi installed the HRMIS system to enable staff apply for leave online at the comfort of their offices or homes.  There are several types of leaves that one can apply namely:- Annual leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, sabbatical leave, study leave, unpaid leave just to mention but a few. 


Humanity should never allow a repeat of the same mistake that happened in 1918.  The most severe pandemic in history was Spanish Influenza of 1918.  It lasted for three years in three waves with 500 million people infected and 50 million deaths.  Most of the fatalities happened in the 2nd wave.  The people felt so bad about the quarantine and social distancing, measures that when they were first lifted, the people rejoiced in streets and other social gatherings with abandon.  In the coming weeks, the 2nd wave occurred with tens of millions dead.