A policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.  Policies are generally adopted by governance body within an organization.  There are various forms of disability namely, vision impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, mental health conditions, intellectual disability, acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder and physical disability.  The university of Nairobi management has appointed a Disability Mainstreaming Committee to review the existing policies and ensure that all the members of staff leaving with any form of disability are captured.  The current policy seems to lack the exact number of staff with disabilities.

The purview of the disability mainstreaming policy is to promote, protect and ensure full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom by persons with disabilities and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.  The aim is to provide an environment where there is equality of opportunity and where persons with disability can enjoy a quality experience while studying and working or visiting the University of Nairobi premises.

The committee is requesting all staff with any kind of disability to fill the online form which is already uploaded and available for access to provide their details to enable the committee incorporate in the policy all the data that they would have collected.  All staff with disability are encouraged to fill the form whether they are registered with the National Council of Persons with Disabilities or not.(NCPD)    This information would be used in future planning and enhancing support to the staff with disability.  To make this exercise fruitful please feel free and fill the online form and provide all information as it is indicated on the form.  This is a very important exercise of the University.  Adhere to the directives and you shall not regret in future.

A policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.  Policies are generally adopted by governance body within an organization.  There are various forms of disability namely, vision impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, mental health conditions, intellectual disability, acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder and physical disability.  The university of Nairobi management has appointed a Disability Mainstreaming Committee to review the existing policies and ensure that all the members of staff leaving with any form of disability are captured.  The current policy seems to lack the exact number of staff with disabilities.

The purview of the disability mainstreaming policy is to promote, protect and ensure full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedom by persons with disabilities and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.  The aim is to provide an environment where there is equality of opportunity and where persons with disability can enjoy a quality experience while studying and working or visiting the University of Nairobi premises.

The committee is requesting all staff with any kind of disability to fill the online form which is already uploaded and available for access to provide their details to enable the committee incorporate in the policy all the data that they would have collected.  All staff with disability are encouraged to fill the form whether they are registered with the National Council of Persons with Disabilities or not.(NCPD)    This information would be used in future planning and enhancing support to the staff with disability.  To make this exercise fruitful please feel free and fill the online form and provide all information as it is indicated on the form.  This is a very important exercise of the University.  Adhere to the directives and you shall not regret in future.